Design Process

No matter the role title, I work to solve problems. Processes and deliverables vary depending on the challenge the company is facing. True Design is about learning who uses the product, what problems and how this can fit with the businesses needs.  
Rainbow bar used for decoration on the pageDecorative rainbow bar

Each of the roles I have overlapped, but tend break into the following roles: UX designer, Product Designer, Product Manager and Project Manager. Each role has helped me gain a holistic view of projects and how each type of deliverable can help the solve any problem the business is facing.

Phase 1: Research / Project Initiation
During this phase, as a UX designer and Product Designer  I participate in discussions, contribute ideas for the type of projects to pick up, and help to find any challenges that the user is facing. As the Product Manager, I work with the stakeholders to develop the product vision, identifies market needs, aligns product goals with business objectives, and defines the product strategy. And finally as the Project Manager, I plan and organize project tasks, timelines, and resources.

Phase 2: Planning and Pre-Design
In this phase, detailed planning documents are developed and initial designs are started. During this phase, as the UX Designer, I play a key role in shaping the user experience. Through the UX Strategy Document and contributing to the Competitive Analysis, I ensure the product is user-friendly, meets customer expectations, and offers a superior user experience. As a Product Designer, my role tends to be a blend of UX and PM work as I contribute to the Competitive Analysis, ensure the product is user-friendly, meets customer expectations, and offers a superior user experience. In a role as the Product Manager, I focus on strategic deliverables which helps to define the project and it’s long-term goals.
Phase 3: Designing and Planning
This phase is where UX / UI Design shines the most. In this phase, as a designer I focus on getting a clear idea of the user, creating flows, and sketching out all the requirements. As a Product Designer in this phase, I work similar to the UX designer and focuses on getting a clear idea of the user, creating flows, and sketching out all the requirements. They have a hybrid role, taking on ticketing and sprint prioritization. As the Product Manager I focus in on making tickets based on the designs produced and gets the sprints ready for developers. As Project Manager, I focuses on the high level scope of the project, keeping the team on schedule, and giving updates to all stakeholders as needed.
Phase 4: Development
During this phase, as UX / UI Designer I am a resource to each of the other roles. The deliverables I created in the other phases critical. As the Product Designer, I focus on getting the product out the door, giving status reports and tracking changes to the product. As the Product Manager, I focus in on monitoring tickets based on the designs produced and manages the developers sprints. Then lastly as Project Manager, I focus on the high level scope of the project, keeping the team on schedule, and giving updates to all stakeholders as needed.
Phase 5: Launch
Last Phase is lauching and closing out the project.

Design Spotlight

Correspondence page
Correspondence & Cluster
UX Product Design & Management
Respondent Level data application
Respondent Level Data (RLD)
UX Product Design & Management