NextGen HQ: Momentum

Project Overview
Momentum's goal was to create an app and a community full of young, like-minded entrepreneurs who wanted to learn and grow together. It was built to give people the tools to help themselves and others. While I worked on all aspects of the app, my favorite by far was the community page.

During my time here, I led the advisory board with staff and students to define future goals, get feedback, and improve the quality of the product, designed / researched new and upcoming features, created Jira tickets for engineers, and worked with the team to get this to launch!
Iphone falling across screen. Text reads "Empowering the next generation to succeed at work and life"
Sketching out the idea
Wireframes for the community app
Development and Launch
Live screenshots of the Next Gen appLive designs of the Next Gen app
Live designs for the Next Gen app

Want to get in touch?
Drop me a line!

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